Consulting Projects:
• Facilitator for the Six Sovereigns and National Wildlife Federation Energy Workgroup that is implementing the energy provisions of the Resilient Columbia Basin Agreement. The Six Sovereigns are comprised of the the Nez Perce Tribe, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the State of Oregon, and the State of Washington.
• Consultant to the Yakama Nation on energy issues and representative to the Pacific Northwest Regional Energy Planning Process Technical Committee.
• Consultant to the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission in updating and implementing the Energy Vision for the Columbia River Basin. A major theme of the Energy Vision is to ensure that renewable resources in combination with increased storage, reductions in peak demand, and increased energy efficiency can provide clean, adequate, reliable, and affordable electricity, support the restoration of healthy and abundant salmon populations, and prevent future damage to salmon and steelheed and other tribal resources caused by the electrical system.
• Consultant to the Energy Trust of Oregon, provided support in the formation of the organization, including development of strategic plan and programs. Assisted the Trust in designing and implementing energy efficiency programs and developing renewable resources. Prepared a market assessment of Green Tags (also known as Renewable Energy Credits). Conducted survey of strategic plans for six nationally-recognized energy organizations to provide information for the development of the Energy Trust Strategic Plan.
• Consultant to the Yakama Nation to assist in the formation of a tribal utility. Prepared feasibility report, charter, and organization materials. The utility currently serves tribal facilities. Assisted the Yakama Nation in a settlement to provide low-cost power and other start-up support. Assistance in renewable resource development and conservation programs.
• Analysis of renewable resource development in the Klamath Basin.
• Analysis for Federal agencies and Indian tribes on electric utility restructuring.
• Consultant to Yakama Hydroelectric, LLC. The Yakama Nation and PacifiCorp formed a partnership to file a competing license application for two large hydroelectric dams. Coordinated development of Initial Consultation Document. Participation on marketing, external affairs, strategy, and fish and wildlife teams.
• Consultant to Beaverton, Oregon in the development of a cogeneration plant to provide power to city buildings.
Other Experience:
Northwest Power and Conservation Council: Founding executive director; served for 15 years. Developed innovative electric power plans that have saved Northwest consumers over 85 billion dollars and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 270 million metric tons by promoting cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable resource development. The Plans included detailed assessments of the cost and potential for energy efficiency measures and renewable resources.
Washington State Energy Office: Director and principal energy advisor to the governor; also served on the Governor’s Cabinet. Responsible for state energy policy, implementation of conservation and renewable resource programs, and management of state energy shortage programs. Represented the agency before the Legislature and served on the Western Inter-State Energy Board and National Association of State Energy Officials. Major accomplishments: introduced and passed five pieces of legislation to form the Power Planning Council, reauthorize the State Energy Office, and improve energy efficiency. He also served on the transition team with leaders from Oregon, Idaho, and Montana to implement the Northwest Power Act.
United States Senate: Legislative Assistant and Special Assistant to the late U.S. Senator Warren Magnuson. Responsible for energy and environmental issues. Major efforts included legislation to keep oil supertankers out of Puget Sound and the Northwest Power Act; the Act gave priority to energy efficiency and renewable resources.
University of Washington: Research faculty at the Institute for Environmental Studies and director of the Energy Information Project synthesizing university energy research for the news media and public. Also did research for the Washington Energy Institute.
Education: Ed has a master’s degree from the University of Washington with a concentration on energy and environmental policy and a bachelor’s degree from Brown University with a concentration on political science.