Consulting Projects:
• Consultant for urban ESA strategy for the cities of Seattle, Portland, Tacoma, Bellevue, Everett, and Bellingham. Helped cities develop a detailed strategy for habitat improvement.
• Consultant to Portland’s Willamette Endangered Species Act Strategy Team to assist in Portland’s compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Developed management workplan for salmon recovery plans.
• Facilitator for Decision Process Coordination Group that developed recommendations for major decision analysis process on Columbia River dams.
• Developed a process to resolve Columbia River fish and wildlife issues sponsored by the National Marine Fisheries Service.
• Consultant to the National Marine Fisheries Service and Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority to assist fish and wildlife managers to develop a Multi-Year Implementation Plan to accelerate restoration efforts.
• Policy analysis of the fish and wildlife, governance and economic issues for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, the Bureau of Reclamation, Environmental Protection Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Other Experience:
Northwest Power and Conservation Council: Founding executive director; served for 15 years. The Council was established by the Congress and Northwest States to provide electric power and fish and wildlife planning for the region. Major environmental accomplishments include development of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program to rebuild fish and wildlife populations damaged by the hydroelectric dams. Developed innovative electric power plans that have saved Northwest consumers over 75 billion dollars and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 240 million metric tons by promoting cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable resource development.
United States Senate: Legislative Assistant and Special Assistant to the late U.S. Senator Warren Magnuson. Ed was responsible for environmental issues, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Park Service, etc. His major environmental effort was providing analysis and support to Senator Magnuson on his legislation that prohibited very large oil tankers from entering Puget Sound.
University of Washington: Ed served on the research faculty of the Institute for Environmental Studies.
Education: Ed has a master’s degree from the University of Washington with a concentration on energy and environmental policy and a bachelor’s degree from Brown University with a concentration on political science.